Yellow-tailed black-cockatoos on the road-side

On the way home from Green’s Bush I spotted a large flock of Yellow-tailed black-cockatoos feeding on pine cone seeds in some large trees and in the paddock below. I occasionally hear them and see a few flying across the roads around the Peninsula but I have not seen so many in a single flock: at least 30. I pulled over and tried to sneak up on them to get a few  photos. They were very wary and had a well defined flush zone. I did finally get a few shots.

Yellow-tailed Black-cockatoo, Mornington Peninsula National Park, Vic

Yellow-tailed Black-cockatoo, Mornington Peninsula, Vic

Yellow-tailed Black-cockatoo, Mornington Peninsula National Park, Vic


Yellow-tailed Black-cockatoo, Mornington Peninsula National Park, Vic


Yellow-tailed Black-cockatoo, Mornington Peninsula National Park, Vic


Yellow-tailed Black-cockatoo, Mornington Peninsula National Park, Vic

Yellow-tailed Black-cockatoo feeding on a pine cone.

Yellow-tailed Black-cockatoo, Mornington Peninsula National Park, Vic

Yellow-tailed Black-cockatoos feeding on pine cones. 

Yellow-tailed Black-cockatoo, Mornington Peninsula National Park, Vic

Beautiful Black-cockatoo

5 responses to “Yellow-tailed black-cockatoos on the road-side

  1. Always a an exciting capture to encounter a flock of Yellow-tails Malt! They love the cones, and this time of year that is where you will find them. in areas where pines are grown and away from the mountains where they breed, especially during the drought. I always labour over a good tail shot, which is a challenge most times. Some good shots!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Ashley, it was exciting to find them, I was driving and heard them first and then saw a few and kept driving and then saw a heap more…did a fast
      u-turn and went to try my luck, they are very flightly but worth the effort.

      Liked by 1 person

      • It is the usual to hear them before seeing them, I always get a glee of excitement in my spirit when I hear their unique call, when they are in flight, it is so much more welcome than for the Sulphurs😊

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Antonietta Vatta

    Love the bird in flight shots! Marvelous.


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