The Cuckoos are arriving

I have been hearing quite a few Cuckoos now that the smaller birds are nest building and laying eggs. I found the ones below in the southern part of the Green’s Bush via their calling. They have arrived from the northern warmer climates and are now ready to breed and lay eggs. The fan-tailed cuckoo will lay a single egg in the smaller bush bird’s nests after removing a host’s egg. It targets Thornbills, Scrubwrens and Fairy-wrens. The Shining Bronze-cuckoo also lays its eggs in the domed nests of Thornbills as well as the open nests of honeyeaters and robins

Fan-tail Cuckoo, Green's Bush (southern), Vict

Fan-tail Cuckoo, Green’s Bush (southern section), Vict

Fan-tail Cuckoo, Green's Bush (southern), Vict


Shining Bronze-cuckoo, Green's Bush (southern), Vict

Shining Bronze-cuckoo

Shining Bronze-cuckoo, Green's Bush (southern), Vict

Shining Bronze-cuckoo – named well

Shining Bronze-cuckoo, Green's Bush (southern), Vict


5 responses to “The Cuckoos are arriving

  1. The shining bronze cuckoo is a beauty, in looks if not behaviour. The photo of it from the rear — showing the pattern of black and white stripes — reminded me of those old Hollywood movies where convicts wore similarly patterned prison garb. 🙂 We only have one species in Alberta, the black-billed cuckoo. It’s uncommon and I can’t remember ever seeing it. My favourite cuckoos, hands down, are roadrunners. Beep beep!


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